Travelling in a campervan
Frequently asked questions

Travelling in a campervan
Frequently asked questions

Traveling in campervan with kids

Detská autosedačka sa dá upevniť klasicky do bezpečnostných pásov na dvojlavici vedľa šoféra. Dodávky nie sú vybavené systémom ISO fix.

Momentálne vám nevieme poskytnúť autosedačku k vozidlu. Je potrebné si doniesť vlastnú alebo si autosedačku prenajať od špecializovanej firmy. 

V Bratislave sa ceny prenájmu detskej autosedačky pohybujú okolo 3-5€/deň.

Child seat in our campers can be mounted with seat belts on the double bench next to driver. Our vans do not have ISO fix system apart from Crafty which has one seat in the interior of van equipped with ISO fix.

At the moment we can not provide a child seat for rent with a van. If you can’t bring your own there is an option to rent it from a company in Bratislava. Prices are around 3-5 € per day.

Definitely yes. We have had many guests with a small child (smallest was some weeks old) and 90% declared it was chilled trip. Children liked it and we were told they sleep better than home 🙂 One nice couple came back quite exhausted so that was a different case. However you won’t know until you try 🙂

About our campers

Vo všetkých našich dodávkach sú 3 miesta na sedenie vpredu. Spolujazdcove miesta sú riešené dvojlavicou, na ktorú je možné uchytiť aj detskú autosedačku.

Big Banana  (Volkswagen LT35) je náš najpriestrannejší campervan. Pohodlne odvezie a ubytuje aj 3 dospelých.

Gurumobil a Dromedár (Volkswagen T5) odvezú aj ubytujú 3 ľudí. Avšak, odporúčame ich skôr pre rodiny s menším dieťaťom. 3 dospelí sa zmestíte, ak nie ste veľmi nároční na priestor.

Mountain Hut (Volkswagen T4) odvezie 3 ľudí ale ubytuje len 2. Menší obytný priestor a menšia postel sú dôvodom, prečo Mountain Hut prenajímame len pre dvoch. Ak cestujete traja, jeden z vás bude musieť spať v stane, ktorý nie je súčasťou prenájmu 🙂

Crafty (Volkswagen Crafter) je náš najpriestrannejší camper. Odvezie aj ubytuje 4 ľudí. Sedenie vpredu je riešené dvojsedačkou vedľa vodiča a v iteriérovej časti dodávky je 4. miesto na sedenie s ISO fix systémom. Posteľ je široká 176 cm a dlhá 200 cm a vyspia sa na nej pohodlne traja dospelí ľudia. Štvrté miesto na spanie sa nachádza v uličke pod posteľou na rozkladacom matraci.

In all our vans there are 3 seats for travelers in the front. One for a driver and a double bench for 2 passengers. Van “Crafty” has also a 4th seat in the interior of the van.

Big Banana  (Volkswagen LT35) is a spacious camper with large bed. It can comfortably sleep 3 people and also has 3 seats.

Gurumobil a Dromedar (Volkswagen T5)  can transport and sleep 3 people. However we recommend it  rather for either two or a couple with child. It can accommodate also 3 adults if you don’t mind to be a bit tight in the bed and also generally in van.

Mountain Hut (Volkswagen T4) is our smallest van. It has also 3 seats in the front but smaller bed and tiny space around makes it a preferred van for couples or single travelers.

Crafty (Volkswagen Crafter) is our most spacious camper. It can transport and also accommodate up to 4 people. Seating consist of double bench next to a drivers seat and a single seat in the interior of the van. The bed is 176 cm wide and 200 cm long and it comfortably sleeps 3 adults. 4th berth is situated in an aisle under the bed on a custom made mattress.

Yes, campervans and dogs just go together. We just kindly ask our guests with dogs to bring the van back in the same condition as it was picked-up and thoroughly vacuum and clean the van before drop-off.

We do not have a bicycle rack available. You can bring your own or rent one externally.

Dromedár and Mountain Hut have a tow bar where a rack can be mounted. Other vans do not have this option at the moment.

We do not allow to transport the bicycles in interior of the vans, sorry.

Everyone min. 24 years old owning driving license „B“ (for classic personal vehicle) and having at least average driving skills and basic respect can drive. All the vans are up to 3,5t. Small instruction drive from a pick up place to our home base also helps a lot for initial orientation.

If your travel partner would like to drive too, it’s not a problem. One other person can be signed in a rental agreement as a second driver and the same conditions apply.

All the vans are equipped with secondary battery which is used to power up your gadgets and charge phones, cameras, notebooks.. There is no external camping plug in vehicles but it is not necessary since power inverter provided standard plug with 230V. The battery is charged from solar system and also while driving so you can work on your laptop whole week without a need for external charging. However that would be a pity.

All the vans also have a tank for fresh drinking water which can be refilled either at camp grounds or according to your creativity also other places.

Cooking can be done at double burners and it’s powered by gas which you do not have to worry about. We provide a sufficient amount of gas with rental.

More information on equipment included can be found at particular campervan pages at our website.

Yes there is. You can find there camping chairs, folding table, mini bbq for coals and more. More info can be found at the pages of particular campers.

Rental process

Rezervácia konkrétneho termínu sa robí cez rezervačný kalendár. Na našej domovskej stránke je prehľadný kalendár pre všetky campervany, aby ste sa vedeli rýchlo zorientovať, ktorá obytná dodávka je kedy voľná. Kliknutím na riadok kalendára s vybraným campervanom prejdete na podstránku, kde si spravíte rezerváciu.

Po zadaní potrebných info vám príde email s platobnými údajmi a inštrukciami.

Po uhradení zálohy, ktorá predstavuje 1/3 z nájmu, je váš termín označený ako potvrdený a môžete sa začať tešiť na dobrodružstvo.

Zvyšok sumy za prenájom (2/3) je splatný 30 dní pred plánovaným výletom a vratný depozit 5 dní pred dátumom vyzdvihnutia na bankový účet.

Reservations are done through  reservation calendar which is located on our homepage. The calendar shows all the campers at the same time so you can easily check availability. After choosing your van and clicking on the line with its name a page for the particular camper will open. There just mark your dates and the reservation form will be displayed. After filling it up and sending you will receive info email with payment instructions.

After paying the first part of rental price (1/3) your reservation will be confirmed and you can start looking forward to your trip. The first part is to be paid 5 days after the reservation.

The remaining part (2/3) is due 30 days before your trip.

The security refundable deposit can be paid to bank account no less than 5 days before your trip. It will be returned the same way after your trip.

We will agree on a place of pick up in Bratislava and time we meet. One of us (Martina or Peter) will come to meet you on the place with the camper. You will drive us back to our base which is located in Vrakuňa, Bratislava. Yes, you will drive 🙂 It is a small instruction drive for the van which you probably do not have an experience driving. There is nothing to worry about, people with average driving skills and basic respect are completely fine with bigger vans and the instruction drive also helps to relieve stress if there is any.

Here at our base we will explain you everything about the van, interior, using water, electricity, heating and gas. We will sign a rental agreement and wish you a happy trip.

Pick-ups are in the first day of rental in morning hours according to our agreement (from 8:00).

Drop-offs are last day of rental until 5pm at our address Hradska 7/E, Bratislava. We kindly ask our guests to bring the vans cleaned with brushed floor, washed dishes and also vacuum cleaned if you had a dog with you.

It is not necessary to refill the water tank. We happily take care of it.

Rental conditions

Áno, môžete vycestovať do všetkých štátov EÚ a Švajčiarska.

Cesty mimo EÚ nie sú možné z dôvodu bezpečnosti a vzdialenosti.

Yes, you can travel to all EU states and Switzerland.

Travels outside of EU and Switzerland are not possible due to security and distance reasons.

All our campers have highway vignettes for Slovakia included in rental.

If you are planning to travel abroad and use highways it is up to you to buy highway vignettes according to the rules of the countries you are visiting.

The renter is responsible for eventual fines (they can be issued even half year later).

Kilometres driven are not limited by rental conditions so you can move freely without checking the tachograph.

However we recommend to plan max. 150 to 200 km per day. It is to have a chance to explore and enjoy the country and places you are visiting. 

When planning your trip please consider the fact that travelling with a van is lot slower than with a small personal car. Dromedar, Gurumobil and Crafty have limited max. speed to 120 km/h. For Banana and Mountain hut it is 110 km/h.

Lots of time is also spent by packing and preparing the van for a drive after spending a night at a spot. Often you want to enjoy your morning and not rush to hit the road again so it’s good to have a chilled schedule rather than chase places. 

Also please be aware the vans are to be returned no later than 5 pm last day of rental. So please plan your last day and starting destination for coming back accordingly.

Please stick to max. 110 km/h if driving Mountain hut (VW T4) or Big Banana (VW LT35).

When driving newer vans Dromedar, Gurumobil and Crafty we have limited max. speed to 120 km/h.

Limited speed is in place to keep you and others safe. Vans do behave differently on the road than personal cars and the caution is necessary.

Also fuel consumption is the best if you stick to the limits and increases rapidly when not. So by keeping yourself safe you also safe some fuel money 🙂

In case of wet roads it is necessary to drive even slower and more carefully especially in turns.

If you let us know you would like to cancel the reservation 30 and more days before the start of rental we refund you all the paid amounts fully to your bank account. And we do it fast.

If you let us know about the cancellation less than 30 days before rental starts we unfortunately do not refund already paid amounts.

Reservation condition can be found here.

Insurance conditions and damages

Naše dodávky majú povinné zmluvné poistenie (PZP) voči škodám spôsobeným tretím stranám a havarijné poistenie (za * na konci odpovede nájdeš detailnejšie info).

Všetky dodávky majú v poistení zahrnutú aj asistenčnú službu pre prípad poruchy na cestách, defektu a pod. Ak potrebujete využiť počas vášho výletu asistenčnú službu, zavoláte nám a problém spoločne vyriešime najlepšie, ako bude v našich silách.

V prípade poruchy vozidla a potreby ponechať ho v servise za účelom opravy, vám zariadime náhradné ubytovanie v blízkosti servisu. Bude vám taktiež vrátená zaplatená suma za dni prenájmu, počas ktorých bolo auto nepojazdné.

* Dodávky Mountain hut (VW T4) a Big Banana (VW LT35) sú už staršie dámy a nie je ich možné poistiť klasickým havarijným produktom. Majú teda Mini Havarijné poistenie Extra, ktoré kryje škody spôsobené vodičom v prípade zrážky s iným vozidlom, ktoré si od nás uplatňuje PZP nárok (inak povedané je krytá zrážka iba s iným vozidlom, keď ste vinníkom nehody vy alebo druhý šofér).

Dodávky Dromedár (VW T5) a Gurumobil (VW T5) majú klasické havarijné poistenie.


All our vans have a compulsory third party liability insurance included and also crash accident insurance (more info about this can be found after * at the end of this paragraph).

All the vans also have an road assistance service in a case of breakdown, flat tire.. If you need to use the assistance service during your trip call us immediately and we try to solve the problem the best way and fastest we can.

In case of a breakdown and a need for repair in workshop we organize accommodation for you close to the workshop and also refund you for the days you could not use the campervan for.

* Vans Mountain hut and Big Banana are already older ladies and it is not possible to insure them with a classic crash accident insurance. They are insured with a Mini crash accident insurance extra which covers damages caused by renter/second driver in case some other vehicle was included and the owner of other vehicle is claiming the damage from us. In other words the damages caused by renter/second driver are covered in case some other vehicle is part of the accident.

* Vans Dromedar, Gurumobil and Crafty have a classic crash accident insurance included in the price of rental. The excess of the insurance is 10% (min 600 EUR) and the insurance does not cover damages on bottom part of the vehicle, tires and interior of the van.

Renter is responsible for damages caused during the period of rental.

However you do not have to worry about small scratches on the paint. We will not take your precious time dealing with those.

Bigger damages are covered from the refundable deposits according to the real costs of repair. We always try to be helpful and consider the best quote for the particular repair from workshops.

If there is a case the refundable deposit is insufficient to cover repairs, renter is required to pay costs of repairs also exceeding refundable deposit or insurance payments.

If the damages by caused by driving off-road we can claim the fine of 500 EUR according to our General rental terms on top of the damage repair costs.

The bottom of the van is not covered by any insurance. Off-road driving is strictly prohibited. 

Tips for campervan trips

Voľné kempovanie je povolené mimo stupňov ochrany prírody 3 a vyššie.

To znamená, že v národných parkoch (stupeň ochrany 3) sa kempovať už nesmie.

V záujme ochrany prírody vás prosíme o dodržiavanie tohto pravidla. Jedine zodpovedným prístupom si môžeme udržať výhodu, ktorú máme a v Európe už nebýva vôbec samozrejmosťou. Bližšie informácie o voľnom kempovaní na Slovensku aj v Európe nájdeš na tomto linku.

V článku nájdeš aj tip na šikovnú appku, kde si vieš vyhľadať a naplánovať miesta prespanie mimo kempu.

Tipy na takéto miesta nájdeš aj na v našom blogu.

Free camping in Slovakia is allowed outside of national parks (level 3) and higher levels of nature protection areas. Meaning that it is already not allowed to camp in national parks.

We kindly ask you to stick to this rule in order to protect the nature and environment. Only with responsible approach we can keep the advantage which we have and is not so common any more within Europe.

More info about camping in Slovakia and Europe can be found at this link.

There is also a link for a handy mobile app where you can search for free and regulated camping spots and services like water refill, laundry etc.

More tips to be found also in our article here.

It is up to you 🙂 But clothes according to your planned program and some food should be enough. You will get clean beddings and pillows if you chose them when making a reservation. If not bring your own please.

All the vans have a fully equipped kitchen with a fridge so no need to bring dishes. Camping table, chairs, mini bbq and mosquito net are also part of vans.

If you are still not sure, let us know and we will be happy to help 🙂

We often use Park4night mobile app for planning our overnight stays. You can find it on Google play or iStores or at our website dedicated to free camping. It shows places suitable for overnight stays and there is surprisingly many also in Slovakia. There is also often some description and pictures which helps a lot. Be aware some places are not actual any more with prohibited access. It’s best to leave enough time before dark to search for a camping spot. It’s always better to see the place before dark so you know what to expect in morning 🙂

Sure that’s a great idea. We have gift vouchers available. You can find more info on them at our website here.

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